Gutch's Literary And Scientific Register And Abnanack For...
1868. (Stevens.) Punch's Pocket - Book for 1868. (Punch Office.) The Boy's Own Pocket - Book for 1868 (Routledge.)—Here is a choice of pocket-books for different readers—the......
Cousin Trix, And Her Welcome Tales. By Georgians M. Craik.
(Griffith and Farran.)—The two best stories in this book are the first and third, which tell us the history of a dog in search of its little master, and of a newly married......
Sea Fights, From Slays To Navarino. By Mrs. R. Valentine.
(F. lVarne and Co.)—It is only necessary to give the name of this book in order to excite the curiosity of every boy who is old enough to plague his parents with visions of the......
The History Of A Pin. By E. M. S. (nelson
and Sons.)—We expected to find in this story a translation of St. Gormain's charming story Pour une .Epingle. But it is quite an independent history, in fact, the auto-......
Every Boy's Book. Edited By Edmund Routledge....
not only a book which every boy will want, but one which will teach every boy everything. It gives the rules of every game, and hints for succeeding in it ; an account of all......
By The Sea Shore : Reveries Of A Traveller. By
the Countess de Gasparin. Authorized Translation. (Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas.)—A pleasant, often a picturesque, but not always a genuine record of Italian travel. What we......
Among The New Editions Which Have Insinuated Themselves...
pile of new books since our last clearance, we may mention the sixth edition of The History of the Microscope, by Jabez Hogg (Routledge), a sixpenny issue of Sterne's......
Counsel And Cheer For The Battle Of Life. By William
G. Blaikie, D.D. (Stralian.)—We can commend this book, but we cannot analyze it. Each separate chapter has its appropriate heading, and would claim to be criticized in turn.......
We Have Also Received Partridge And Cooper's Folio...
for 1868, a large diary, with a good folio page for each week, and conveniently interleaved with blotting-paper, and containing also an almanack. Also, Partridge and Cooper's......
Publications Of The Week. Publisher. — A
Alford (Dean), How to Study the New Testament. The Epistles, pt. 1 (Strahan) 8 Anderdon (W. H.), In the Snow, Tales of Mount St. Bernard, rep 8vo(Burns) 3 Anderson (G.), The Art......