21 DECEMBER 1867, Page 23


Alford (Dean), How to Study the New Testament. The Epistles, pt. 1 (Strahan) 8 Anderdon (W. H.), In the Snow, Tales of Mount St. Bernard, rep 8vo(Burns) 3

Anderson (G.), The Art of Skating, 2nd ed, cr 8m, cloth, swd. (Cox) 2

Bailey (P. J.), Universal Hymn, rep 4to (Bell and Daldy) 5 Baker (Sir S. W.), The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, 2nd ed, 8vo (Macmillan) 91 Barrett, Flowers and Festivals; Directions for Church Decoration (Rivington) 5 Blackburn (Mrs. H.), Birds Drawn from Nature, folio, cloth (Maclehose) 81 Blunt (J. H.), Key to the Book of Common Prayer, 12mo (Bivington) 2 Book of Songs for the Young, with musk), cr 8vo ,,,.(Oliver and Boyd) 2 Bowdler (T.), Prayers for a Christian Household, new ed, 12mo (Masters) 2 Brame (C.M.), Tales from the Diary of a Sister of Mercy, rep 8vo (Burns) 8 Brock (Mrs. H. F.), The Bread of God, rep 8vo (Macintosh) 1 Burn (It. S.), Modern Farming: Crops, royal 16mo (Fullerton) 5 Burn (B. S.), Modem Farming: Stock, Poultry, &c, royal 16mo (Fullarton) 5 Camp Fire ("he), by H. A. L., 8rd ed, post 8vo (Saunders and Otley) 6 Cassell's Choral Music, edited by Henry Leslie, folio (Cassell) 15 Clarke (C), The Flying Scud, a sporting novel, cr live ...(Chapman and Hall) 2 Consoling Thoughts in Sickness, 12mo (Bivington) 2 Cross (E. D.), an Old Story, and other Poems, reap 8vo (Longman) 3 Dallas' (A.), Story of the Irish Church Missions, part L, fcp 8vo (Hatchard) 2 Dickinson (W. H.), Pathology & Treatment of Alburninuria, 8m (Longman) 14 Dixon (W. H.), the Holy Land, 3rd ed, cr 8vo (Chapman and Hall) 10

Doyle (H.), an Illustrated History of Ireland, 81,0 (Longman) 18

Drury (A. H.), the Brothers, a novel, cr 8vo (Chapman and Hall) 6 Dapanloup (Bp.), Studious Women, trans. by B. M. Pffillimore, p 8vo (Virtue) 4 Elliott (A.), the Forest, Jungle, and Prairie, cr 8vo (Nelson) 5 Farrago, a Collection of Stories and Verses, fcap 8vo (leGlaehan) 4 Ferguson (James), Astronomer, Life of, by Henderson, 8vo ... ...... (Fullerton) 14 Gaye (S.), Courage and Cowards, 18mo (Nieben 2 Gould (S. B.). Curious Myths of Middle Ages, let series, 2nd ed ...(ilivington) 7

Grey (Mrs. W.), Love's Sacrifice, 3 vole post 8vo (Hurst and Blacken) 81

Griffiths' (Cecil), Maud Mainwaring, 3 vole post 8vo (Saunders and Otley) 81 Hawkins, The Artistic Anatomy of Cattle and Sheep ...(Winsor and Newton) 1 Helps (A), Journal of Our Life in the Highlands, 8vo (Smith and Elder) 10 Hey (W.), Fifty Fables for Children, illustrated by Spookier, royal 8vo(Asher) 4 Hunting Grounds of the Old World, by "Old Shekarry" (Saunders and Otley) 6 Ireland (W. W.), Studies of a Wandering Observer (Chapman and Hall) it Irving (E), Prophetical Writings, vol 1, 8vo (Strahan) 15 Leech (W.), The Progress of Life, a Poem, poet 8vo (Longman) 2 Little Gardeners (The), an Allegory, rep 8vo (Jerrold) 2 Lockwood, Axel and other Poems, from the Swedish, post 8vo ...(Longman) 7 Lushington (Mrs. M), The School for Donkeys, fcp 8vo (Saunders and Otley) 8 Macbeth (A.M.), Christian Life in the Camp, 12mo isbet) 5 Majendie (Capt V. D.), Ammunition, a descriptive treatise, royal 8vo itchell) 10

March (Rev DI.), Walks and Homes of Jesus, 12mo mitten) 2 Marshall, Outlines of Physiology, Human and Comparative, 2 vole( ngman) 82

11•Donald (W.), History of Dumfries, 8vo (Longman) 15 Michel (M.), Modem Practical French Grammar, 12mo Moffatt (R.), Missionary Labours In Southern Africa, 8vo, ewd Morris (T.), Clue to "(allergy Compensation, 2nd ed, 12mo (Laurie) (Snow) 1 (Ellmealm 4 Morris (W.), Life and Death of Jason, 2nd ed, or 8vo (Bell and Daldy) 7 Mystical (The) Woman of the Apocalypse, by "Dionysius," 8vo ...(Macintosh) 4

Neale (.1.11)., English History for Children, 6th ed, 12mo (Masters) 2 Parks ,No Uncertain Sound; or, the Gospel of the Grace of God (Whittaker) 8 Pine ). Natural Theology, fp 8vo (W. Blackwood) 5 Proctor (1 A.), Sun-Views of the Earth, 4to, ewd (Longman) 6 Scott (Sir S. D.), The British Army, its Origin, &o, 2 vole 8vo (Cassell) 42 Selwyn (Professor), Enoch Arden, Poe= Tennyoonlanum, Latina (Moxon) 6 Skelton (E.), A Voice Around, or God in Everything, or 8vo (Dean) 5

Spong (J.), The Hero of the Desert, cr 8vo (Book Society) 4 Symons (G. J.), Bain, How, When, Where, Why, it is Measured ...(Stanford) 2 Thames (The), Illustrated by Photographs, 3rd series, small 4to ......(Marion) 10 Tomlinson (J.), Stories and Sketches of Yorkshire, cr 8vo (fihnpkin) 8 Two Vocations, or Sisters of Mercy at Home, new ed, lilmo (Nisbet) 2 Warden (IL J.), The Linen Trade, Ancient and Modern, and ed ...(Longman) 12 Wendt (E. E.), Papers on Maritime Legislation, 8vo (Longman) 10