We have also received Partridge and Cooper's Folio Scribbling Diary
for 1868, a large diary, with a good folio page for each week, and conveniently interleaved with blotting-paper, and containing also an almanack. Also, Partridge and Cooper's Handy Book, a small edition, without the blotting-paper. Perhaps the most useful and convenient of the three, however, is Partridge and Cooper's Octavo Scribbling Diary for 1868, a shilling volume, interleaved with blotting-paper like the folio scribbling diary, but of a more convenient size for ordinary use, and containing, like the other publications, an almanack with the stamp duties, Am Partridge and Cooper's Date Remembrancer is of the ordinary kind for office use, the only defect being that it takes somebody to remember to tear off the previous day's date every morning, which is per- haps rather more difficult than looking at the morning paper for the date.