pro THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIS,—I think that the
following questions, which I asked of two of our local "no Referendum at any price" protagonists, might well be asked of Lord Lansdowne and Mr. Bonar Law : (1) Do they honestly believe that Home Rale will mean civil war in Ireland ? (2) If they do, which of the two is the more important matter, Home Rule or Tariff Reform? (3) Do they, or do they not, consider that it would prove their sincerity if they announced that although they had the greatest faith in Tariff Reform, the prevention of Home Rule was more important, and they would fight the next election on that question and none other? (4) Do they believe in Tariff Reform themselves P If they do, what objection can they have to the country voting on that question, and on that question alone ? I will only add that if they would only realize, as the Spectator has repeatedly pointed out, that the country is sick to death of legislation and only wants a rest, the Unionist Party would get on a great deal better.—I am, Sir, 8/.4., W. W. MOYERS. Exchange Buildings, Liverpool.
P.S.—A friend of mine, an ardent Tariff Reformer, said to me, " We bad better change the name of the party if we are going to put Tariff Reform before Unionism."