Country-house Games.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECIATOB.1 SIR,—The article on "Country-house Games" in the Spectator of December 7th reminds me of one we played on a wet day in my old home many years......
"the Man In The Street."
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTAIOR. "1 SIR,—Last week you had occasion to quote Lord Haldane as saying, " Remember how the man in the street looks up - on the Government." It may......
Psalm Xlv. On Christmas Day.
[To THE EDITOR OF ZEE "SPECTATOR. " ] But,—The choice of Psalm xlv. ("Eructavit cor meum ") for one of the proper Psalms appointed for Christmas Day (Mating) must appear to some......
'" The Battle Of Life" And Sloman's.
ITO THE EDITOR OF TEE - "SPECTATOR. "] But,—In your interesting review of Mr. T. E. Kebbel's " The Battle of Life" (December 7th; page 969) reference is made to Sloman's of......
Pragmatism And Poetry.
[To THE EDITOR OF 'THE " SPECIATOIL'l SIR,—A "pragmatical" poet is perhaps a contradiction in terms; at any rate, a poet who embodies the principles of Pragmatism is still......
The Union Jack And Ireland.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." J Six,-16 having been decided that in the event of the Home Rule Bill becoming law the Union Jack is no longer to be the flag of Ireland, it......