[to Thy Editor Of Thy "spectator."] Sir,—i Have Been A
Conservative, not to say a Tory; from my youth up, and I have always done, and in my old age still do, my best to support the Conservative cause both by gifts of money and,......
Letters To The Editor.
EVENING COMMUNION. [To THE EDITOR OP TEE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR, — The interesting letter which appears in your issue of December 7th on " Evening Communion " is well calculated to......
[to Thy Edit= Of 122 " Spect•tor,"]
SIR,—I am a country parson in an agricultural parish in the south-west of England. Half my time is spent in talking to working people. The wages of our labouring class are low......
Unionist Policy.
[To ram Enrros or THZ "SrEcreros."] was prevented last week from writing, as I intended, to congratulate the Spectator on its able and practical article on the position of the......