Modern War And Peace. By Viscount Esher. (macmillan And Co.
ls. net.)—Lord Esher recently delivered a lecture before the " Cambridge University War and Peace Society " ; and it is now reprinted. The main subject of the paper is Mr.......
We Have Received The November Issue Of The Russian Review
(Nelson and Sons, 2s. 6d.). A considerable portion of it is devoted to a series of articles upon the Napoleonic Campaign in Russia a hundred years ago. Of the other articles we......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] THREE ANTHOLOGIES. —The Voice of the Garden. Compiled by Lucy......
Eii'die Land. By Margaret Hays And Thomas Burke. Pictures By
Grace G. Wiederseim. (Blackie and Son. 3s. 6d. net.)—Amusing verses written from the point of view of a little boy or girl. Most of the pictures are brilliantly coloured, and......
The Story Of St. Francis Of Assisi. By Elizabeth W.
Grierson. With 16 illustrations and frontispiece in colour. (A. R. Mowbray and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—Miss Grierson has had much experience in the writing of children's books, and......
Disraeli. By The Earl Of Cromer. (macmillan And Co. Ls.
net.) —We feel sure that our readers will be glad to learn of the republication in a permanent shape of the two striking articles upon Disraeli which appeared in these columns......
Messrs. T. C. And E. C. Jack Have Issued Another
batch of "The People's Books" (6d. net each). Three of the new volumes may be grouped together, since they deal respectively with Marriage and Motherhood, The Baby, and The......
Twinkle - Twinkle Stories. By William H. Harding. (morgan...
6d. net.)—This is an attempt to make stories of saints and heroes, whether drawn from the Bible, English history, or everyday life, interesting to modern children, by means of......
The Moon - Boat. By Alice 3f. Brown. Illustrated By...
(F. and E. Stoneham. 2s. 6d. net.)—This is a pretty little book of verses written in a quiet, gentle style. Children will enjoy some of them very much, such as "Our Jack," which......