Mr. Michell also described the tour he had made in
the Putnmayo district between August 6th and October 17th last in company with Mr. Fuller, the American Consul. The pre- sence of the Peruvian Consul and of Senhor Arena so overawed the natives that practically no information could be got out of them, and he and Mr. Fuller had signed a joint statement to the effect that the company had made arrangements to "blanket" the expedition. It was only when they got clear of the company's officials that they induced the Indians to talk. His impression was that, for the moment, serious organized ill-treatment was not being resorted to, but if it had been going on he would not have been able to find it out. The Committee adjourned till January 8th when Mr. Gubbins, the Chairman of the English directors of the Peruvian Amazon Company, will be called. A Reuter telegram from Lima which appeared in Wednesday's papers announced that a warrant had been issued for the arrest of Senhor Arena.