[To ME Enreoa or rue " SPECTATOR."1 SzR,—As your correspondent
under above heading in. Spectator of January 7th says " Surely this mishap must be unique," the following account of one which, however, might have ended in a human tragedy, may be of interest. Some years ago, as we were motoring down a long, straight incline- on a country road, a small boy, without any warning whatever„, ran out from a gap in the hedge and, to our horror, disappeared in front of the car. a heavy, old-fashioned limousine. We pre- pared ourselves for the worst, but on stopping we found him mercifully hung up on the starting-handle by the strap of his school satchel. He was crying lustily, and beyond some cuts about the face, which, poor little chap, had been scraped a bit on the road, the nearest doctor, to whom we drove him straightaway, pronounced him practically mahurt.—I am,