We Sincerely Hope That Now That What May Be Called
the spirit of Genoa is in the air, and people recognize more and more that Russia must be brought into a general trading association with other countries if European stability......
The First Annual Report Of The London Building Guild Was
published last week and expressed the hope that this experiment in Guild Socialism " may be the beginning of a really scientific, orderly, industrial revolution." The Guild......
We Much Regret To Record The Death Of Mr. Thomas
Gibson Bowles, which occurred at Algeciras on Thursday, January 12th. Whether•as a journalist or a Member of Parliament he was a man who always made his mark by sheer......
The General Effect Of The Eight-hour Day, As Applied On
a national basis without any regard to local conditions, has been well illustrated in the evidence given by the Scottish railway managers before the National Wages Board during......
At The By-election On Tuesday In The Tamworth Division Of
Warwickshire, Sir Percy Newson, a Coalition. Unionist, defeated Mr. G. H. Jones, a Labour candidate, by a majority of 8,061. The Unionist polled 14,732 votes and the Labour man......
The Superintendent Of The Great. North Of Scotland...
servea a, sparsely populated district, told the Board that the company had to engage 554 additional men under the eight- hour day scheme. At certain stations the wages had bees......
The Organizers Of Russian Relief At Geneva According To The
Manchester Guardian of last. Saturday have received from one of Dr. Nansen's representatives in Russia a truly terrible account of the situation in the Buzuluk district. The......
The Members Of The Southern Irish Parliament Established...
Act of 1920 met on Saturday last, at the instance of Mr. Griffith, to record their formal approval of the " Treaty " with Sinn Fein and to elect a Provisional Government. Mr. De......
The Newly Formed General Council Of The Trade Union Congress
published last Saturday a manifesto inviting the trade unions to consider common action on a national basis " for the purpose of resisting the efforts now being made by the......
The Daily Herald Has Announced That The General Council Of
the Trades Unions Conference and the Executive of the Labour Party have resolved " to assist the Daily Herald in its efforts to secure a larger circulation by reducing its price......
Bank-rate, 6 Per Cant., Changed From 5i Per Cent. Nov.
3, 1921; 15 t id ee a nt: War Loan was on Thursday, 93k ; i y week, 921; a year ago, b5i.......