[to The Editor Op The " Spectator."] Sir,—on Reading The
article in which you comment unfavour- ably on Dr. Farnell's treatment of the editorial staff of a certain publication, I could not but reflect that nothing new has happened.......
The Late Mr. Longworth-dames.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SCR,—May I be permitted to pay a brief tribute to that dis- tinguished Orientalist,' the late Mr. Mansel Longworth-Dames, who died on......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."] Sm,—with Reference To
the criticism offered by "S. B. L.-T." in last week's Spectator regarding the article which appeared in your issue of December 10th on " First Aid to Uncles," may I, as a......
A Dog And A Motor-car.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] have only just come across the letter signed "M. H." in your issue of the 7th inst., which must be my excuse for the delay in writing. As,......
The Association Of Magistrates. [to The Editor Of The "
SPECTATOR."] Sia s —Would it be possible to the Spectator to give a " leg up" to the new Association of Magistrates? It was started under favourable auspices at a meeting at......
The "spectator" And Its Advertisements. [to The Editor Of...
" SPECTATOR."] SIN,—Permit me to express my admiration of the restraint shown in your editorial note to the letter in your issue of January 14th signed " S. B. L.-T." If the......