It Would Be Useless For Us To Write In Detail
about the domestic political situation. Several things will have happened by the time these words are published. On Thursday, when we go to press, Mr. Chamberlain is due to make......
The Cannes Conference Was Necessarily Brought To An...
Before leaving Cannes Mr. Lloyd George made an im- portant statement about his intentions. He emphasized the necessity for expanding the League of Nations into a Wm ld......
Last Saturday Mr. Lloyd George Had A Conversation With M.
Poincare in Paris. M. Poincare proposed that the British promise guaranteeing France against unprovoked aggression from Germany should be expanded into a military alliance for......
All The Nations Of Europe, Except Turkey, And Twenty-one...
from the rest of the world will be invited to send delegates to Genoa on March 8th. It is believed that Japan, Russia and Germany will all accept the invitation. We are......
News Of The Week.
A WEEK'S reflection has brought sobriety to those who wanted to press on an immediate General Election. The more one contemplates the situation, the more difficult it is to......
Notice.—tv Ith This Week's Number Of The Spectator Is...
gratis, an Eight-Page Supplement, containing the Half- Yearly Index and Title-Page--i.e., from July 2nd to December 31st, 1921, inclusive.......
To Our Readers.
Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly through the abolition of the Sunday post or other causes should become yearly subscribers,......