Outlines of Constitutional Law : With Notes on Legal History.
By Dalzell Chalmers and Cyril Asquith. (Sweet and Maxwell. 12s. 6d. net.)—This compact textbook has been revised with care for a second edition, and will be found useful for reference as well as for study. We may draw attention to the short chapters on " Proceedings Against the Crown and its Servants." The authors note the ruling of Mr. Justice Avory, in the case of Hales v. The King (1918), that " a Crown servant holds office during the royal pleasure, and that even if a special contract could be proved, the Crown would not be bound by the same." That ruling should give pause to the advocates of nationaliza- tion ; indeed, the Government may legally dismiss any Civil servant at any moment and deprive him of his right to a pension, and he will have no redress.