General Komiloff, the Russian commander on the Dniester front, has
been checked in his advance beyond Halle; partly by the arrival of heavy German reinforcements for the broken Austrians, and partly, as his reports show, by the July rains, which have flooded the river valleys and made the roads impassable. He has evacuated Raises and retired behind the Lomnitza, but up to Wednesday he was holding his own against the German attempts to push him off the hills east of Novica commanding the river valley. Up to Friday week the Russian offensive had yielded 834 officers and 35,£09 men as prisoners, with 93 gene, and several thousand more prisoners have since been captured. General Brussiloff, the author of this great success, was the commander of the Army of Kieff which, at the end of August, 1914, swept through Halicz up the Dniester Valley and took Lemberg on September 3rd.