A Note On " Horrors. "
W HEN sympathetic people ask whether work in a war hospita l does not necessitate the witnessing of dreadful sights, it is a temptation to answer with a " nothing-can-horrify-me......
Old Paste.
1 T is said that we forget nothing ; that at any raomeut say experience that we have ever hud may recur to us as vividly as when it was new. It is certain that personalities......
Letters To The Editor.
(Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs an often more read, and therdore more cftectire, than those which fill treble the space.] PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION.......
The Drink Evil: An Appeal From Ili Dia.
[To Tag EDITOR or Tee. "Bemuse:L - 1 Sia,—At a meeting of the-Canadian Presbyterian Mission Staff in Central India a Committee was asked to write to you en -Britain's attitude......