{to The Erman Or Son " Seeermon."1
Siu,—As you so kindly found a space in your paper for my first letter regarding the gift of fruit-trees for France from the women and children of our own land, to which-I hare......
Youth And Death.
[To EDITOR or aue "fiememoa."1 See,—The letter published in the Spectator of June 16th and written by a Public School boy was very fine. Perhaps it may interest your readers to......
The National Home.readino Union,
[To THE Enema or TILE "Snc - naon."1 Szn,—We desire to make an earnest appeal on behalf of the National Home-Reading Union, which during the there years of war has suffered......
The " Spectator's " Views On War And Democracy. [to
rue EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."' Sru,—As an old reader of the Spectator, I was greatly surprised to reed in Saturday's Daily News the following remark in an article signed " A.......
A Little Work In Italy.
[To ens Enrroe or 7116 "SPECTATOR."1 Sus,--Signorina Teresa Pavesi, who has devoted much time to helping the peasant women in their correspondence with their sons and husbands......
Fruit-trees And Wad.
[To THE Xenon Or THE " SPECTATOR:'] Sta,-1 was prepared to believe that tinder the unwritten Law of Nations, as on general principles of humanity, the destruction of......