21 JULY 1917, page 12

Virgil And The War.

(To THE Eynon or THE "SreerAoa u '7 fie,—Reading Virgil's first Georgic lost evening, the following tines struck me as so peculiarly applicable - to the present world- wide......

Christian Kaffirs In France.

(To one Saloon or me "Seecuma."3 Sera,—May I add something to the letter of " Herbert George" in your last issue ? He refers to "eighty, per cent. of these blacks (Basutos and......


BOTHA AND SMUTS. AGAINST us once, now by our side they stand, Helpers of foremost rank with head and hand. Let far-spread empires from this drama learn; Royal our boon, and......

Destructive Insects.

(To THE Eerrem er ma "Sreerstom"l Sts,—As one of the many interested in horticulture, it would be helpful to know which are the destructive insects. I understand' the parent of......

B 0 0 K S .

THE LABOURER AND THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION.• Tam book is a remarkable achievement in illuminating research and in the art of graceful summary. Croat pains most have gone to its......

The London Square Gardens.

[To TES EDITOR or TEE SPECTATOR:1 Sue s —The green lawns and the trees standing in the very midst of the heat and bustle cf the streets are indeed delicions, and the passers-by......

" From A V.a.d. Hospital."

Mass Maar-Anne MACDONALD'S three poems ("In the Ward." " Epiphany Vision," and " In Last Year's Camp") have been reprinted from the pages of the Spectator in pamphlet form under......

Notice.—when" Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed With...

or initials, or wills a pseudonym, or are marked " Com- municated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein ezprowed or with the mode......