Margaret of Scotland and the Dauphin Louis. By Louis A.
Barb& (Blackie and Son. Gs. not.)—This able Intl., monograph gives for the first time from contemporary manuscripts, mostly hitherto unpublished, a full narrative of tits ill.starred marriage of the daughter of James I. of Scotland to the then Daupbin, afterwards Louis XI. of Franco. It is valuable to the historical student as filling up a gap in the story of the relations of the two countries, anti interesting to the general reader from the number of illuminating details the author has collected of public and private life in the first half of the Cif teenth century. Wo qua-to a quaint pmaage from Jamot de Tillay's deposition at the official inquiry into the premature death of the Dauphiness " . . . ot atieunefoia s'occupoit d faire rondeaux, tenement qu'ollo en faisoit aucunofois douzo pour un jour. . . . Et lore to roi demands al cola faisoit man h la tilt°, et monsieur to trisorier, maitre Johan Bureau,13 prosont, dit Oui, qui s'y abuse trop' . . . "—which confirms the remark of a much later authority, Mr. Silas Wegg, that " When a person comes to grind off poetry night after night, it is but right Ito should expect to ba paid for its weak g effect on the mind."