A.special meeting of the. Privy Council -was convened for Tuezday
to carry out the King's intention of changing-the mom of the Royal House and Pamily. The meeting was attended by 'the Duke of Connaught, the Primate, the Lord Chancellor, the 'Prim( Minister, Lord liosebery, and Mr. G. N. Heroes, but a epeoia. feature Twee the presence, in- accordance with recent precedent, of representatives of.-.the Dominions—Mr. _Fisher for sthe Common- wealth of Australia and Mr. W. P. Schreiner -and General Smuts for South Africa. The choice of the name of Windsor was inla131- motility approved by the ConnaiL It was anticipated that the new style and title would be appreciated as being of a -territorial character and that it would appeal to public imagination. These anticipations were ,amply justified, for the mune tof Windsor has been associated with English sovereignty from the days of the Saxon Kings, and is linked with such events as the birth of
Edward , the marriage of the Black Prince, and the founding of the linights'of the. Garter.