We are almost ashamed- to mention a ridiculous rumour which
has been current during the week that aeroplanes had been with- drawn from England at the time of the lath German raid on London in order " to protect the King " during his visit to the front. People who believe that the King needed to be protected during his journey by aeroplanes that could not properly be spared, although be ended that journey in courting quite unnecessarily the dangers of the ad- vanced areas; where he was obliged to wear a steel helmet against shell-fire, would believeanything. We often wonder what the world must seem like to people whose credulity and want of reasoning. power are never redeemed by the least common-sense. It must seem an exciting place in which one never knows what is going- to happen next ; and yet it is so near the doors of a madhouse that after all one cannot envy these people their fearful dramatic lops.