ONFERENCE re-assembled on Tuesday to debate the basis of
peace, but a radical difference of opinion at once made itself manifest. The German Powers affirm that the Treaty of 1852 has been terminated by the campaign, a view to which the neutral Powers refuse to adhere. War, it is said, terminates treaties ; but the Treaty of 1852 was made with Russia, England, France, and Sweden, with none of which Powers has Germany been at war. The pretension is as unfounded as if Smith, owing Jones, Brown, and Robinson money, should box Robinson's ears, and declare that in consequence of Robinson's conduct in having his ears boxed he should not pay the rest of his creditors either. The matter was ultimately referred back to Berlin, and Conference rose to meet again this day week. It is very difficult indeed to believe that these obstacles are not deliberately raised, or that Prussia has not determined to keep the Duchies for herself. The King has actually agreed to pay the preliminary expenses of cutting a canal, and the Conservatives of Prussia have been encouraged to sign a petition praying for the annexation of the two provinces.