The New York Papers Publish In Extenso The Report Of
the Sub- Committee of Congress on the massacre at Fort Pillow. M essrs. Wade and Gooch, the Sub- Committee, went to Memphis, Tennessee, and Fort Pillow on purpose to take......
We Trust Lord Carnarvon Will Add An Amendment To The
Penal Servitude Bill in the House of Lords, which will put the systematic surveillance of licence-holders, so reluctantly accepted as part of the Bill by Sir George Grey, on a......
General Cameron Has Made Amazing Progress In New Zealand. He
has now a line of posts from Raglan or Whaingaroa on the west to Taurangi on the east, and all his enemies north of this line have been either subdued or expelled, and his......
Yesterday Week, Just Before The Whitsun Adjournment, Lord...
a very eloquent speech against the Prussian plunderers in Jutland, in which he quoted concerning the Prussia of to-day the words applied by Fox to the same country in 1806, when......
Another Murder By The Natives Has Taken Place At Taranaki
to which we beg to call Mr. Buxton's attention. Mr. Patterson, a Northumberland man, was killed from an ambush and tomahawked when riding out with a few unarmed companions after......
The Duke Of Argyll Presided At The Annual Conference Of
the Yorkshire Mechanics' Institutes held at Sheffield on Wednesday, and made a good though rather a dull speech. Its point was that the interference of the State in education......
The Rev. James Amiraux Jeremie, D.d., Succeeds Dr. Jeune In
the Deanery of Lincoln (worth 2,200/. a year). Dr. Jeremie is Regius Professor of Divinity in Cambridge. He is a learned and accomplished man, who has preached (written sermons,......
England Has Been At War For Some Eighteen Months Without
knowing it. The King of Ashantee, it would seem, made a raid into the country called the British Protectorate, a vast tract on Cape Coast inhabited by tribes friendly to British......
The Imperial Government Has Actually Been Beaten In The...
Legislatif by a majority of one. Sixty-eight years ago, in 1796, Joseph Lesurques, respectable citizen of Douai, with 600/. a year, was accused of murdering a courier for the......
Rumours Are Rife Of Coming Ministerial Changes In France....
Ilioniteur formally denies them, and they are therefore probably correct. The best authenticated seems to be that M. de Persigny is to return to power, to tempt his master once......