21 MAY 1864, page 3

In The House Of Lords Yesterday Week The Lord Chancellor's

measure for endowing the Regius Professorship of Greek in Oxford with a Canonry was defeated by a majority of 30,-55 to 25. The Lord Chancellor chose to assume that the......

The Shares Of The Scottish And Universal Finance Bank Are

2 to 3 premium. Mr. W. C. Sillar (late of the firm of W. C. Sillar and Co., Bombay), has joined the direction.......

A Prospectus Of The Maritime Credit Company, With A Capital

of 1,000,0001., in 20,000 shares - of 50/. each, has appeared. The objects of the Association are to make advances on shipping, wharves, shipyards, docks, ;warehouses, dock......

A Silver Salver Has Been Presented To Lord Houghton By

his friends in Pontefract, in recognition of his services as member for the borough when Mr. Monckton Milnes. In reply Lord Hough- ton delivered a singularly genial speech......

The Return Of The Bank Of England Being Favourable, The

Directors have reduced their minimum rate of discount to eight per cent.......

Monsieur Mocquard Is A Person Of European Importance. He Is

the Secretary of the Emperor Napoleon, and is supposed to be the artificer in chief of those Imperial periods, over which Europe when they are uttered falls periodically into......

That Derby Will Ease Has Turned Up Again. Our Readers

will remember that a Mr. Else, of Matlock, recently inherited several estates under a series of wills and codicils supposed to be written by Mr. Nuttall. A jury held that......

On The 2nd Of May A Ladies' Association Was Formed

in Washington to promote total abstinence "from foreign articles of appareL" The object is to reduce the imports into the United States, and so turn the balance of trade in......

Yesterday And On Friday Week The Official Closing Prices Of

the loading foreign securities were :- Friday, May 13. Friday, May 20. Greek . Do. Coupons Mexican Spanish Passive • . Do. Certificates Turkish Spar Cents., 1868.. , 1862.. ........

England Has Been At War For Some Eighteen Months Without

knowing it. The King of Ashantee, it would seem, made a raid into the country called the British Protectorate, a vast tract on Cape Coast inhabited by tribes friendly to British......

On Saturday Last Consols Left Off At 91k, K, For

money, and 90f, I, for account. Yesterday the closing quotations were :—For transfer, 91f, ; for time, 90f, Mexican scrip has fallen to I discount.......

Mr. Stansfeld Was On Toes* Presented By His Constituents...

a piece of plate, value three hundred guineas, as an expression of their esteem and confidence. In his reply, Mr. Stansfeld made a popular and telling defence of his own conduct......