That Derby will ease has turned up again. Our readers
will remember that a Mr. Else, of Matlock, recently inherited several estates under a series of wills and codicils supposed to be written by Mr. Nuttall. A jury held that codicils could not honestly turn up whenever they were wanted, and Mr. Else lost the pro- perty. The matter was supposed settled, but Mr. Else having quitted Mr. NuttalPs house, the deceased gentleman's bed was sold to Mr. Croft, brother-in-law to Mr. Else. There was a sheet strained at the head of the bed, and Mr. Croft, who is a cabinet- maker, began pulling this off, when a packet of papers fell out. They consisted of a draught of a will made by Mr. Nuttall, writ- ten in handwriting like his, confirming the dispositions made in the codicils, and of some memoranda, some denunciatory, some de- precatory, some prayerful, and some relating to hidden gold and silver which has been found. These papers were immediately handed over to Mr. Stone, a solicitor, and will be brought forward at a new trial, when the single point at issue will be whether Mr. Nuttall wrote them, or whether they form one more of Mr. Else's findings. It is odd that Mr. Else's brother-in-law should have bought that bedstead ; but then odd things do happen sometimes, and another " find " is not the device a swindler would under the circumstances have preferred.