A Cornish Ghost Story.*
THE thing called spiritualism has blossomed out into another novel, entitled Stella. It is clearly written under the influence of the spirits, or, most likely, the nightmares. A......
The Preparation And Mounting Of Microscopic Objects. By...
(Robert Hardwicke.)—A very useful little handbook for workers with the microscope. It comprises all the best methods of mounting in every department of miscroscopic......
Incidents Ire My Life. Second Edition. By D. D. Home.
(F. Pit- man.) — In the preface to this edition the author quickly disposes of his critics by stating that he is rather disappointed with the state of the criticism of the day,......
Bank Monopoly The Cause Of Commercial Crises. By George...
With introduction and notes by William Guthrie. (Blackwood and Sons.)—The theory advocated by this able little treatise is that com- mercial crises are caused by the Act of......
Sermons Preached At St. Mary's, Beading. Second Series....
Romanis, Vicar of Wigston Magna, Leicestershire. (Macmillan and Co.) —Mr? Romanis does not seem to us to be, in the true sense of the words, an original thinker, but, his mind......
Current Literature.
Mr. Cobden and the Times." (Alex. Ireland and (Jo.)—Mr. Cobden has reprinted his famous correspondence with the Times, together with a subsequent correspondence with the Daily......
The Working Classes Of Leeds. An Essay On The Present
state of Education in Leeds. By James Hole. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.)— A very well-written little book, giving a great deal of valuable statisti- cal information about the......
The Modern Hudibras. A Poem In Three Cantos. By George
Linley. (John Camden Hotten.)—An account of the less creditable side of London life in rather slip-shod verse, and in a tone of banter. So far as the author treats of mere......