The Keren IIa- Pesod Book. (Leonard Parsons. 2s. net.)—In this
little book the aims of the Eretz-Israel (Palestine) Foundation Fund are clearly set forth. The Jews are asked to subscribe £25,000,000 in five years for " the settlement of Palestine by Jews on a well-ordered plan and in steadily increasing numbers." It is suggested that 50,000 fresh immigrants might be found employment every year. Palestine, with 10,0€0 square miles, has a population of only 750,000. Sicily, which is slightly smaller, has over four times as many people ; while Wales, which is smaller by a fourth, has thrice as many inhabitants. In the rich district of Gilead, across the Jordan, there are only twelve in- habitants to the square mile. The authors discuss in detail schemes for land settlement, afforestation, the utilization of the water-power of the Jordan, housing, as well as for education and for sanitation. The manifesto of the Fund is signed by Lord Rothschild, Sir Alfred Mond, Dr. Weizmann, and other well- known Jews. An appendix gives the text of the draft Mandato, the Franco-British Convention as to the frontiers, and the High Commissioner's recent Ordinances.