Another Reason Why The Strike Has Caused Less Public Incon-
venience than was expected is that people have taken freely to the roads instead of using the railways. The power of adaptation in the nation is endless, and if ever we lose it......
Sir Cecil Lowther Was Returned On Friday, May 13th, For
the Penrith and Cookermouth division in place of his brother, the late Speaker. Mr. Lowther had represented Penrith alone for thirty-two years, and the enlarged constituency......
We Do Not Profess To Say Whether The Duke Of
Northum- berland's accusations are true or untrue. What we do say is that a man who makes such statements with so much conviction ought to be treated very seriously. If the......
The Prime Minister Went On To Say That Poland Ought
to respect every comma in the Treaty of Versailles, which was her charter of freedom. Every letter in that Treaty meant a young British life. Poland repudiated responsibility......
M. Briand, The French Premier, Took Mr. Lloyd George's...
on Upper Silesia so much to heart that on Saturday he summoned the foreign correspondents in Paris to hear the French view of the situation. The French troops in Silesia had, he......
There Is Little To Record About The Coal Strike....
have been going on unofficially and the atmosphere is more hopeful. It is said to be the intention of the Prime Minister not to call another public meeting till an arrangement......
The Court Of Appeal On Thursday, May 12th, Decided In
the ease of Luther v. Sagor that the property of British subjects confiscated by the Bolsheviks and sold to other British subjects could not be recovered by its rightful owners......
The Duke Of Northumberland, Never Failing In Courage Or In
his sense of what he believes to be his public duty, wrote a letter to the Morning Post of Thursday repeating his charges against the Executive of the Miners' Federation. He......
The Prime Minister In Reply Said That The Government Were
watching the plots subsidized by foreign money. He did not believe that, if the general health of the nation was good, we need fear the Communists. Mr. Gwynne asked him whether......
The Italian General Elections, Held Last Sunday, Appear...
resulted in 'favour of the constitutional parties. The Socialists lost ground ; the Communista were defeated almost everywhere. The Nationalists - and their allies the Fascisti,......
Reverting To The Miners' Strike, The Prime Minister...
Clynes's dangerous argument that it would have cost the nation less to give the miners' leaders all that they asked for, and that therefore it was wrong to resist them. Every......