Mr. Lloyd George Seems To Be Becoming A New Palmerston.
Palmerston, though he had liberal instincts and was theoretically tolerant of the points of view of other people, would often yield to the temptation to pick up a brick and......
M. Briand Himself Is Much Less Apprehensive Than Many Other
Frenchmen. but he would not be the deft Parliamentarian he is— he would not, let us say, be like Mr. Lloyd George—if he did not profit in a Parliamentary sense by what he knows......
News Of The Week.
THE relations between Britain and France have been thrown into a stormy condition when we write on Thursday. But though, no doubt, these are anxious moments, we are sure that......
He Ends With These Words :-
" We fully accept the plebiscite as an expression of the wishes of the people of Silesia, but having gone mto a great war and sustained gigantic losses in defence of an old......
The Prime Minister In Reply Said That The Government Were
watching the plots subsidized by foreign money. He did not believe that, if the general health of the nation was good, we need fear the Communists. Mr. Gwynne asked him whether......
What Result Can There Be From Such Words, Justified In
them- selves though many of us think them to be, than that the French Press will defend itself ? Defence in such circumstances must mean bitterness. Though we do not want in any......
On The Adjournment Of The House Of Commons On Friday,
May 13th, Mr. Clynes complained that the Government were not trying to bring the miners' strike to an end. He suggested that it would have been cheaper to give the miners all......
On The Merits Of The Case He Is Surely Right.
He says that ho adheres to his statement in the House of Commons on Friday, May 13th, that the Polish action in Poland threatens the Treaty of Versailles ; that the fate of......
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