Prohibition And Law-breaking. [to The Editor Of The "...
Sia,—A few days ago I received from a gentleman holding a judicial position in the United States a. letter, the following passage from which is of general interest:—......
Drama In Ducrland. [to The Editor Of The " Spectator."]
SIR, — " It takes all sorts to make a world " was invariably our old cook's final comment when summing up some flagrant prank of the over-amorous parlourmaid, the doings of "......
Tee Origin Of The London Costerhongers. [to The F.arroa Of
THE " SPECTATOR."] Sui, -- Your American correspondent Mr. Kimber asks on April 23rd for any information which might bear out- a theory of the Spanish origin (considerably......
A SONG FOR AMERICAN CHILDREN IN PRAISE OF JOHNNY APPLESEED. (Boaz; 1775. DIED, 1847.) L--Ouse THE APPALACHIAN BARRICADE.• In the days of President Washington, The glory of the......
The Price Of Coal And Industry. [to The Editor Of
THE " SPEOEITOR.") SIR,—I was talking the other day to an ex-Mayor of one of the leading iron and steel towns in England who has been actively connected with coal-mining for......
The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any Article,...
letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his best to return contributions in case of rejection. Poems should be addressed to the......
Not Ice.—w Hen " Correspondence" Or .articles Are Signed...
the writer's name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or......