The nominations for the new Irish Parliaments were made on
Friday, May 13th. In the North 78 candidates were nominated for 52 seats, including 40 Unionists, 20 Sinn Feiners, 13 Nation. alists, and 5 Labour candidates. In the South, on the other hand, 124 Sinn Feiners were returned without opposition ; the four Unionists were returned for Dublin University. It is, of course, well known that any candidates representing the Nationalists, the Unionists or the little faction of " Dominion Home Rulers " would have been murdered by the " gunmen " if they had ventured to stand for any Southern constituency. Fear of the murder-gangs alone explains Sinn Fein's success, It is said that the Sinn Fein members will refuse to take their seats. Many of them are in gaol on charges of murder or sedition.