Made in Germany. By Ernest Edwin Williams. (Heinemann.) -This book
is full of alarming reading. It tells us how Germany
is beating us in various manufactures, in the working of iron and steel, in ship-building, in textile, chemical, and other minor matters, making up, nevertheless, a very alarming total. And then we come to the remedy. What does Mr. Williams propose?
(1) Retaliation; if a foreign country shuts out our products, we must paralyse her goods ; (2) federation of the Empire in respect
of tariffs; (3) subsidised transport should be penalised by duties equal to the bounty; (4) competent consuls; (5) technical edu- cation ; (6), doubtless chief of all, individual enterprise. These things lie beyond our province. But, beyond all question, Mr. Williams's book calls for serious attention.