Town Mice And Country Mice.
" U NIVERSAL live-stock providers" are advertising two expensive breeds of mice for members of the fancy. These are tortoiseshell mice, a variety of the tame mouse, and Japanese......
Letters To The Editor.
LORD NELSON'S ENGLISH. [To THR EDITOR or THE “Srsoraror:1 SIR,—In speaking of the first proposed wording of the famous Trafalgar signal, in the Spectator of November 14th, your......
Mr. Hare's Autobiography.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin, — In a review in the Spectator of October 31st I saw quoted, from Mr. Augustus Hare's autobiography, a very incorrect version of a pun......
Unconscious Perversions.
[To THE EDITOR OP THZ " SPECTATOR.''] SIR,—I think the following story is worthy of being recorded :—An illiterate person, after hearing her son preach for the first time,......
Mr. Baring-gould's " Dartmoor Idylls."
[TO THE EDITOR OP THIN " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your notice of Mr. Baring-Gould's " Dartmoor Idylls," . in the Spectator of October 31st, you cite the intended epitaph- of John......