The Inquiry Instituted By The Works Committee Of The London
County Council into the administration of their Department shows that there has been a systematic falsifica- tion of the accounts by the subordinate officials. The Com- mittee......
Italy Has Made Peace With The Negus Of Abyssinia, The
former agreeing not to extend Erythrea and the latter to re- lease the Italian prisoners upon receiving the cost of their keep. The Emperor, moreover, is declared absolutely......
Sir Frank Lockwood Does Not, We Hope, Regret His Im-
partiality in attacking Sir Edward Clarke last week for his strange appearance as the advocate of Venezuela, but this week at least he appears anxious to show that he is a very......
Mr. Chamberlain Made An Interesting Speech Yesterday Week...
banquet of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, though to our mind he did pile it up, as the Yankees say, "a little too mountainous" when he declared it "not too much to say that......
The Long-expected Debate In The German Diet On The Hamburg
revelations came off on Monday, the Centre party, through Count Hompesch, demanding an explanation. This the Chancellor, Prince Hohenlohe, refused to give, alleging that the......
Mr. Balfour Is Almost Better Than Mr. John Morley For
the interestingness of his speeches, and far better for their political wisdom. He spoke at Rochdale on Tuesday at the National Union of Conservative Associations, both in the......
Mr. Arthur Adana, The Gladstonian Minister Of Educa-...
it down as the sine qud non of a good Educa- tion Bill that (1) "there must be reasonable equality in the treatment of Board-schools and voluntary schools ;" (2) "that any......