The Sunday Magazine. (isbister And Co.)—one Of The Two...
is by Mrs. Marshall, which is sure to possess an attraction for many readers of the Sunday Magazine, and besides these two long stories there are nine short ones in single......
Aleph The Chaldean. By E. F. Burr, D.d. (oliphant, Anderson,
and Ferrier.)—The sub-title of the tale is "The Messiah as Seen from an Alexandrian Point of View." No small amount of pains has been expended, it is evident, in furnishing this......
Round The Fire. Edited By Gertrude Fearon. (simpk In,...
and Co.)—This " Selection of Poems and Ballads suit- able for Home and School" may be recommended without hesita- tion. There are some hundred and fifty of the poems and ballads......
Good Words. (isbister & Co.)—the Three Serial Stories By W.
Ray- mond, F. F. Montresor, and P. de Nanteuil, have a well-sustained interest, and in subject are great contrasts. " Under the Tricolour," by P. de Nanteuil, introduces us to......
The Pearl Divers. By Gordon Stables, M.d. (nisbet And Cc.)
—Dr. Gordon Stables chats with his readers in a homely and pleasant fashion. They must not expect an elaborately con- structed tale. It runs in a fairly constant train of......
Big Cypress. By Kirk Munroe. (s.s.u.)—this Is A Story With
a purpose, a purpose to which the author devotes much energy, the setting forth of the wrongs of the Seminole Indians of Florida. But this characteristic does not interfere with......
The Story Of Florence Nightingale. By W. J. Wintle. (s.s.u.)
—It is needless to say that this is well worth reading. It is scarcely in the best taste to describe Miss Nightingale as " the Heroine of the Crimea." It is not, we may be sure,......
Bessie Kitson. By G. Norway. (national Society.)—a Very...
this, but not such as to give useless distress to a sensitive reader. It tells how a child was rescued from the degradation to which her father's weakness seemed to have doomed......
Crown And Anchor. By J. C. Hutcheson. (f. V. White.)—
Master Jack Vernon goes to sea at some time in the Fifties, getting his nomination through Sir Charles Napier, whose some- what eccentric personality helps to enliven the......