21 OCTOBER 1899, Page 1

The Austrian Government after a long struggle, during which Premier

after Premier has fallen, has abandoned its effort to establish legal equality throughout the Cisleithan States. The "Language Ordinances" by which German was deposed from its superior position as the language of the State were repealed on the 17th inst., and although the new Premier, Count Clary, promised a Bill which should satisfy everybody, it is clear that it cannot secure equality, because it is against this that the German Members have successfully risen. It is believed that for the present the Bohemian Members have no chance of passing a vote of censure, but they are backed by the populace, which on Tuesday broke into riot in several places. In Prague, indeed, the rioting was serious, a mob of six thousand men attacking the police with stones and fireworks. The Czechs, however, have not the persistent energy of the Germans, and it is prob- able that there will be a lull till the next election, when the whole business will recommence. We cannot think that the Emperor has been well advised. The Germans are the superior race, no doubt, and there is more hope of civilising culture in German than in any Slav tongue, but class ascendency is inconsistent with Parliamentary institu-

tions. The only method in bilingual or multilingual countries is to acknowledge the legality of every tongue under all circumstances, and let the strongest absorb the others. In the Army, of coarse, one language must be chosen as the camp tongue, but even Czechs allow that, and submit to announce their presence in the ranks in German.