In The Debate On The Address In The House Of
Lords Lord Kimberley spoke for the Opposition. His speech was well described by Lord Salisbury when he said that the first part of it filled him with despair because he found......
On Monday A Meeting Was Held In The Guildhall, The
Lord Mayor presiding, for the purpose of expressing approval of the policy of the Government in regard to South Africa. The meeting was in every way representative of the City,......
The Norwegians Have Taken Another Step Forward To Entire...
of Sweden. The popular party has just drawn up its programme, and its essential point is "independence," to be brought about by means of a separate Norwegian Ministry for......
The Really Important Passage In Lord Salisbury's Speech...
at its close. With regard to the future there must, he said, be no doubt that the sovereign power of England is paramount; there must be no doubt that the white races will be......
The Austrian Government After A Long Struggle, During...
after Premier has fallen, has abandoned its effort to establish legal equality throughout the Cisleithan States. The "Language Ordinances" by which German was deposed from its......
After Mr. Balfour's Speech The Debate Degenerated Into An...
wrangle, Mr. Dillon moving a long and laboured amend- ment denouncing an ignominious war with "two small nations numbering in all two hundred thousand souls." We cannot profess......
Parliament Met On Tuesday. The Queen's Speech Was Short And
confined to a single point,—the need for calling out the Reserves owing to the state of affairs in South Africa. and for providing for the extra expenditure required. The word "......
In The House Of Commons, Sir Henry Campbell-banner- Man Made
one of those hedging speeches for which he is becoming famous. He cheered the Government as a patriot, but at the same time he felt bound to point out that they had entirely......