21 OCTOBER 1899, page 16

Keenness Of Scent In Dogs.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.' SIR, —Every one knows the wonderful keenness of scent which dogs possess, and many illustrations of this will recur to your readers, but it......

Mu Sic.

THE CULT OF THE ORCHESTRA. THOUGH the cult of the orchestra has undoubtedly attained startling dimensions within the last ten years, many of the special features of modern......

The Ritual Question.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIB,—There is something sad and pathetic about the hasty utterances and false logic of the extreme sacerdotalists, and for this reason, that......

" Regret" And " Anxiety."

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:I SIR,—The following information, which was quite new to three distinguished individuals to whom I mentioned it, may not be without interest to......


THE SAILING OF THE LONG-SHIPS. OCTOBER, 1899. THEY saw the cables loosened, they saw the gangways cleared, They heard the women weeping, they heard the men that cheered, Far......