The Art Of Thinking. By T. Sharper Knowlson. (f. Warne
and Co. 2s. 6d.)—Mr. Knowlson gives plenty of good advice, and arranges it in an orderly fashion that will doubtless add to its usefulness. There are some specially good remarks......
Current Literat Ure.
SOME BOOKS OF THE WEEK. ,Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been yeserval for review in other forms.] Realms of Gold. By John Dennis. (Grant......
A Day In My Clerical Life. By The Rev. R.
E. Veagh. (T. Fisher Unwin. 38. 6d.)—" Veagh" is, we presume, a pseudonym, and the "Archdeacon Veagh" who is reported as recommending his clergy to " cultivate a sense of humour......
Novels Of The Week.* Years Ago, When Madame Ristori Was
playing Lady Macbeth in Manchester in English, her strange accent led to some rude remarks from the gallery, and these in turn provoked an indignant letter in the local Press......
The Century, May - October, 1899. (macmillan And Co. 108....
volume of the Century is not the less interesting, at least to the English reader, because there is not a word, as far as we have observed, about the Civil War. That subject is......
Peaks And Pines. By J. A. Lees. (longmans And Co.
Os.)--. " Life would be tolerable but for its amusements," said an eminent sage, and Mr. Lees would be amusing but for his fun. He is a sportsman, though the account of the not......