21 OCTOBER 1899, Page 23

Peaks and Pines. By J. A. Lees. (Longmans and Co.

Os.)--. " Life would be tolerable but for its amusements," said an eminent sage, and Mr. Lees would be amusing but for his fun. He is a sportsman, though the account of the not very difficult slaughter of the ptarmigan on pp. 216-17 does not read nicely.

It must be remembered, however, that there had first been a hard climb, so that the sport was not so easy, after all. Rein- deer were another object of pursuit. These were not an easy prey, and in chap. 16 Mr. Lees expresses himself in a truly sportsmanlike fashion. We shall be glad to see his name again on a title-page, but we do deprecate the fun.