England in the Nineteenth Century. By C. W. Oman. (E.
Arnold. 3s. 6d.)—Mr. Oman, whose " History of England " has had a deservedly great success, carries it to the present time in this volume. His book will be more than commonly useful, for it is always difficult to find a handy summary of quite recent events. And this summary is as handy as one could wish, and characterised by sane judgment of persons and events. An appendix contains some highly interesting figures, among them a series of " Typical Budgets." Here is the Budget of 1820:—
Customs Excise £11,475,259 28,941,629 National Debt and Sinking Fund ....£49,339,773 Stamps 6,853,986 Navy 5,943,879 Land and Assessed
Army 10,281,702 Taxes 8.192,301 Civil List and Ser-
Post Office 1,621,326 vice 2,268,940 Borrowed from Sink-
Loans to Foreign
ing Fund 13,833,783 Powers 48,464 Miscellaneous 1,867,308 Miscellaneous 1,479,792 £72,785,592 .£72,362,750 The National Debt was about £850,000,000.