21 OCTOBER 1899, Page 25

New EnmoNs.—The Sonnets of William Shakespeare. (G. Bell and Sons.

2s. 6d. net.)—In the series of " Temple Dramatists " (J. M. Dent and Co.) we have Thomas Otway's Venice Preserved (1s. net), edited by Israel Gollanez. The play was first acted in 1682, and was directed against the Whigs. Otway dedicated it to the Duchess of Portsmouth, to whom he expresses the most ex- travagant gratitude—" Your Grace, next Heaven, deserves it amply from me "—and Dryden in the prologue that he wrote fawns in the most grovelling way on the King and the Duke of York :— "0 welcome to this much offending land The Prince that brings forgiveness in his hand I Thus angels on glad messages appear : Their first salute commands us not to tear."

Could anything more blasphemous be said of James, who had as much idea of forgiveness as a wolf ?—Words of Wellington. By Sir William Fraser, Bart. (J. Murray.)—A reprint of the edition of 1889, with the addition .of nearly'forty portraits, some of them highly interesting, and published for the first time.— In the " Temple Classics for Young People" (3. M. Dent and Co.), The Heroes, by Charles Kingsley ; Feats on the Fjord, by Harriet Martineau ; Tales from Shakespeare, by Charles and Mary Lamb (2s. net per vol.)—In " The Canterbury Poets " (Walter Scott), Lyrics and Poems, with Maud and In Memoriam, and English Idylls, with Princess, *c., by Lord Tennyson (2a. per voL)— Walton's Lives. (Same publishers. ls. 6d.)—Anti-Christ. By Ernest Eenan. (Same publishers. le. 6d.)— Maitland's Essays in M4 itefermatimi in England. With Introduction by A. W. Hutton, M.A. (J. Lane. 6s.)—Alaska. By Miner Bruce. (G. P. Putnam's Sons.)—The Colloquies of Edward Osborne. With Illustrations by John Jellicoe. (John C. Nill9m0. 6s.)—One of the series of books by the "Author of Mary Powell" which is now in course of issue.—The Unjust Steward. By Mrs. Oliphant. With 6 Illustrations by J. Finnemore. (W. and R. Chambers.) The Story of Francis Cludde. By Stanley Weyman. (Cassell and Co. 3s. 6d.)-13144 o' Grass. By B. L. Farjeon. (Hutchinson and Co. 3s. 6d.)