On Wednesday was published Lord Kitchener's weekly report, which includes
all captures separately reported since September 9th r—'• Mobile columns report as result of their work during last week 47 Boers killed, 7 wounded, 371 prisoners, and 134 surrenders ; 236 rifles, 22,750 • rounds small-arms ammunition, 164 waggons, 3,400 horses, 5,750 cattle, and various other stock." Lord Kitchener further states that " on September 11th Benson surprised a laager, and captured 31 prisoners. On September 15th Keke- wich captured 36, including Field-Cornet Clopper, in Magelies- berg, just to the east of Oliphant's Nek. On September 10th Gilbert Hamilton, after 80 miles ride to the west of Schoon Spruit, captured 25 prisoners, with 140 remounts going to Kemp." That is not a bad record, but as we have said else- where, the war must now be prosecuted with more vigour than ever before. The proclamation policy has failed, and this failure necessitates a greater intensity in all future operations.