The Influence Of Society Upon Trade Enterprise.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."l Sta, — Among the many reasons, good or bad, that have been suggested as the causes of the alleged decline of British trade, one at least has......
The King ' S Declaration.
(To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") Srn,—May I suggest that throughout all the debates, Press articles, and important speeches on the subject of the King ' s Declaration these......
Continental Opinion On The War.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 S re,— venture to send you a translation of a portion of an interview with a Swedish Consul-General at the Cape which appeared in the......
The Atomic And Other Theories.
['To THE EDUCE OF THE "SPECrATOR."1 SIR,—Will you allow me space for a remark or two on the subject of Dr. Ricker's able and interesting survey at Glasgow in regard to the......