News Of The Week.
THE hopes excited by the American surgeons, who probably 1 felt the impact of the wish of an entire people, proved delusive. On Friday, September 13th, at 2 o'clock, President......
We Have Dealt Elsewhere With President Roosevelt's Posi-...
views. We will only say here that besides being a statesman of high character and lofty aims, be is a man of great courage, moral as well as physical. People talk as if he were......
Besides These Losses A Severe Engagement Is Reported From...
Colony, where Smuts, in order to break through a cordon of columns hemming him in, rushed the 17th Lancers at Eland's River Poort, and killed three officers and twenty men and......
The Next Few Days, During Which The Body Of The
ill-fated President, after lying for a few hours in state in Washington, was conveyed to his home at Canton, in Ohio, and there buried, were noteworthy for the universal and......
The War News This Week Is Exasperating, For We Have
to chronicle a number of small disasters. They are, no doubt, of very little importance from the military point of view, but they will greatly encourage the enemy, and they seem......