Shorter Notices
Trollope, A Commentary. By Michael Sadleir. (Constable. 10s.)
IT is fortunate that Mr. Michael Sadleir has been able to persuade Messrs. Constable, over whose activities he possesses some influence, to use part of their limited supply of paper in reprinting, in a revised, simplified and condensed form, his admirable study of Trollope. The book is at once a biography and a critical commentary, not of one Trollope but of two, for though the nove:s of Frances Trollope, Anthony's mother—Michael Armstrong, Town and Country, Jessie Phillips and the rest—are largely forgotten today the vogue they once enjoyed was the fruit of real merits. On Anthony Trollope Mr. Sadleir must be accepted as the recognised authority. Even if the novelist had not been read in the past five years, as he had never been read before, this biography would have established itself by its own qualities. As it is, the book makes an appearance so opportune that a further edition is likely to be demanded immediately—and demanded, it must be feared, in vain.