Another Irritating . Sign Today Is The Slowness With...
military authorities are clearing up barbed wire and opening up coast paths closed for defence purposes. A year before the war I mentioned in' this column a rather ominous "......
. In The General Election Of 19oo The Newly-formed Labour
group returned only two candidates—one of them was Keir Hardie. Today the T.U.C. must look at the Labour Cabinet and at Labour repre- sentation in the Commons with something of......
A Spectator's Notebook
T HE sessions of the T.U.C. this year have been of great interest not merely in themselves but also for the relation between the trade unions and a Labour Administration holding......
Meanwhile, If We Cannot Use Prisoners Of War To Clear
up the mess, it might be better to employ our own troops -rather than keep them idle or push them to and - fro on make-believe jobs. Everyone knows instances of this sham work......
After The Defeat Of Napoleon, Talleyrand's Skill As Well As
the logic of the situation gave France an important' place in the final determination of the map of Europe. In 1919, although the Germans were not invited to a place at the......
Mr. Bevin's Post Is The Most Difficult Of The Departmental
offices, not excluding that of the Minister of Labour. Among his other pre- occupations the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs is now en- gaged—without the direct help of......
Would It Be Possible For One Of- The Picture Newspapers
to send a photographer round half-a-dozen of these popular places in the early spring of next . year when this summer's litter will have .dis- integrated? Photographs could be......
I Have Been This Summer To One Of The "
beauty spots " of the West of England. Early in July the place was free of litter: Two months later, although the car and charabanc traffic is as yet on a small scale, I found......
The Second Battle Of Britain I T Was With Mixed Feelings
that Londoners watched the impressive R.A.F. display which celebrated the anniversary of the greatest day in the Battle of Britain. It was the turning-point in the war against......