Meanwhile, if we cannot use prisoners of war to clear
up the mess, it might be better to employ our own troops -rather than keep them idle or push them to and- fro on make-believe jobs. Everyone knows instances of this sham work which is adding to the discontent of the Army. The latest example to come to my notice•is that of a soldier who in peace-time ran a small business. He is, of.course, longing to get back to it, and his customers are anxious 'for him to come back. For the last four months he has had three jobs to do ;- two of them were just waste of public money, and involved railway .journeys to places already fUll 'of troops doing nathing. A few days 'ago' he was given seven' dab's' leive. Two 'days. after arriving home he was ordered by telegram to go' at Once to -a early 250 miles away-for a " refresher course," se"- subject of no' potsible