Bird Behaviour " Sm,—mr. A. F. C. Hillstead Replied (in
your issue of September 7) to my review of his book The Blackbird. It is clear that while he and I may share each other's respect, we do not share the same views on the nature......
Ste,—mr. Bohn In His Reply (september 15th) To My Letter
of the 7th inst. fails to distinguish between a retailer of essential food commodities and a sale of property b3t, auction. The shopkeeper is compelled to sell any goods, not......
Sir,—the Letter Headed " Starving Germany " In Your Issue
of Septem- ber 14 contains the statemeni: " It is not in accordance with the tradi- tions of this country to let children—even the children of ex-enemies- starve." I would like......
A Consumers' League Sir, —do We Not Need A Consumers'...
There are so many things, not merely commodities of all kinds, but public and other services, trans- port, broadcasting, &c., in which the suppliers, employers and employees,......
The Blind Girl
SIR, —I had hoped that some poet would write a worthy appreciation of Judyth Monnickendam's arresting poem " The Blind Girl" in your issue of August zoth. As one who enjoys......
Starving Germany Snt,—mr. Harold Nicolson's Article Is A...
appeal, tempting one to send the required post-card to the distinguished body of men and women sponsoring the " Save Europe Now " appeal. May I try to show another side of this......
The House Price Racket Sm,—house-owners Are Not...
I happen to own a house on the borders of Middlesex and Hertfordshire. It has been used by the Army for most of the war period, and is now occupied by four families. I am unable......
R.a.f. Training
Sta,—Having read your correspondence upon this subject, may I add a few suggestions based upon by personal experience. Unless a trade of "Education Instructor," carrying N.C.O.......
The Attributes Of Scientists
Snt,—Mr. Barr asks for an explanation of some words used by myself in a review of fiction in your columns, " . . the very attributes of scientists, which make for the common......