Country Life
To see good food destroyed on a large scale gives a very melancholy feeling, especially at a period when food is not plentiful. The farmer loses his money and has wasted his......
A Playful Crime
Walking last week in the beautifully treed garden of a country house, I came upon two trees that were apparently in the sere and yellow leaf. Every leaf on a vigorous young......
Parasols And Morel
Are we gradually becoming a little more catholic in our taste for that delectable and most wholesome form of food which has the pleasant names of mushroom and toadstool, and the......
In My Garden The Harvest Festival Approaches, And The...
in general sends fruit and vegetables first to decorate the Church, and then to supply the cottage hospital. One of my contributions will be a pumpkin of Falstaffian......
Shorter Notices
Trollope, A Commentary. By Michael Sadleir. (Constable. 10s.) IT is fortunate that Mr. Michael Sadleir has been able to persuade Messrs. Constable, over whose activities he......
THIS week's fiction all comes from America. Robert Ardrey, who made a name for himself with a single play, Thunder Rock, has now produced a first novel, World's Beginning. It is......
Unsweetened Heather
Every day I have walked about a heather-covered common, and, so far as I can remember, have never yet seen a hive bee enjoying the crop. Yet the species of heather is the ling,......