22 FEBRUARY 1908, Page 25

Naw EDITIONS.-A Treasury of English Literature, Arranged by Kate M.

Warren (A. Constable and Co.), published in 1906, is being reissued in the convenient shape of six volumes. Two of these (ls. not each) are now before us : (1) " Old English : Origins to 1200"; (2) "1200 to Age of Elizabeth."—Benedictine : Sketches of Married Life. By E. H. Lacon Watson. (Brown, Langham, and Co. Is. net.)—Stephen's Book of the Farm. Revised and Largely Rewritten by James Macdonald. (W. Black- wood and Sons.)—The first volume (102. 6d. net) is now before us. The subject is " Land and its Equipment."—We welcome a new and cheaper edition (the tenth impression) of that brilliant historical romance, The King with Two Paces (E. Arnold,"2s. 6d.), by the late Miss M. E. Coleridge.